On October 1, Judy will be the designated faster for the Rolling Victory Fast 2006! She's in training & prepping for her big day. Judy is the first in what will be a long line of fasters to try on her t-shirt & send her image to our blog gallery!
You can see from the photo that the t-shirts are high quality and the image is crystal clear.
We're donating the proceeds from the shirts to Soldiers' Angels and earmarking them for a special hero in need named Chad.
You can find all your necessary links at the Tanker Brothers site. There, you can read about the fast, sign up for your date & then link to the t-shirt purchase page.
Thanks for sending the shot, Judy!! You're famous! :)
Melinda, I got my tee shirts yesterday! My time is August 22 and I will be wearing it! I'll send a pic soon!
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