FASTING TOGETHER?TWICE AS NICE!If accessorizing your new Rolling Victory Fast t-shirt is a concern, you should look no further than this couple for ideas!I think Mr. & Mrs. L. have the right idea, don't you? A beautiful backdrop (their garden), proper signage (modified after a Friday night at WRAMC), and an official Club Gitmo hat...all accent those Rolling Fast shirts to a T!It's time you sign up for the fast & order your own t-shirt! Once you do, send me your snaps and you can take your place in the Fasting Hall of Fame!
KAT'S STYLIN'!Kat's shirt finally made it! Believe it or not, I sent hers to the south and another faster's to Germany & the one going to Deutschland arrived faster! Have to love traveling by air versus traveling by ground!But, as you can see, Kat's shirt made it and she looks fantastic! It isn't too late for you to join the fast, purchase a shirt and support Soldiers' Angels! Just use the links to the left to link to Tanker Brothers then click on the Rolling Victory Fast logo & you're on your way!
MEET JUDYOn October 1, Judy will be the designated faster for the Rolling Victory Fast 2006! She's in training & prepping for her big day. Judy is the first in what will be a long line of fasters to try on her t-shirt & send her image to our blog gallery!You can see from the photo that the t-shirts are high quality and the image is crystal clear. We're donating the proceeds from the shirts to Soldiers' Angels and earmarking them for a special hero in need named Chad.You can find all your necessary links at the Tanker Brothers site. There, you can read about the fast, sign up for your date & then link to the t-shirt purchase page.Thanks for sending the shot, Judy!! You're famous! :)